Competitive Advantage Industri Pariwisata Halal Singapura Dalam Berdaya Saing di Asia Tenggara

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Afni Regita Cahyani Muis Rifda Zulfani Aisyah


This research discusses the competitive advantage of Singapore's halal tourism industry in Southeast Asia. The government's efforts to be competitive with regional countries are carried out through innovations in the tourism industry and improvement of various related industries. This study analyzes Singapore's efforts to boost the competitiveness of its halal tourism industry through conceptualizing the Diamond of National Advantages as a derivative from competitive advantage theory 4 pillars, namely: Factor Conditions; Demand Conditions; Related and Supporting Industries; Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry. By using an explanatory qualitative method with a causality approach, this research shows that the Singapore halal tourism industry has opportunity to be competitive through competitive advantage which is reviewed based on the Diamond of National Advantages as a benchmark for the success of the Singapore tourism industry. Meanwhile, to be competitive in the region, Singapore faces challenges from competing countries, such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

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How to Cite
MUIS, Afni Regita Cahyani; AISYAH, Rifda Zulfani. Competitive Advantage Industri Pariwisata Halal Singapura Dalam Berdaya Saing di Asia Tenggara. Intermestic: Journal of International Studies, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 54-77, nov. 2022. ISSN 2503-443X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 08 sep. 2024. doi:
Research Article