Author Guidelines

-The manuscripts submitted to INTERMESTIC should be an original one that never been published before.

-Any manuscripts being processed by INTERMESTIC should be not under consideration for publication in other journal or publication until there is a notification from INTERMESTIC editorial board.

-INTERMESTIC accepts manuscripts written in Bahasa or English in the form of scholarly articles or research results which should be between 5000 - 8000 words, also book reviews or article reviews with the length between 1500 - 3000 words.

-The manuscript can follow the template in the form of Introduction-Body-Conclusion or Introduction-Methodology-Result-Analysis-Discussion style.

-Authors are asked to write the manuscripts in a clear manner, also use correct punctuation.

-For non-native contributors who write their manuscripts in English, proofreading procedure is highly recommended prior to submission.

-The manuscript should consist of: title, abstract (in Bahasa and English), introduction, body (including subheadings), conclusion, and reference.

-Title should be brief and clear, no more than 14 words for Bahasa Indonesia or 10 words for English, all caps, Times New Roman 14 pt, bold, centered.

-Author(s)’ name should be without an academic degree or an indication of position and rank, 12 pt.

-Author(s)’ affiliation and email are written with Bold, centered 10 pt, single space.

-Abstract should be written in both Bahasa and English. For an article in English, the abstract order is Bahasa Indonesia (italic) then English. Abstract contains a summary of articles containing problems, objectives, theoretical perspectives, findings and contributions to the development of Science. The abstract should summarize the content covers the aim, theoretical perspective, and technique, also the result in no more than 150 words. Font type used Times New Roman, size 12 pt, single space.

Whereas for Bahasa Indonesia article, the abstract order is English (italic) then Bahasa Indonesia. Abstract contains a summary of articles containing problems, objectives, theoretical perspectives, findings and contributions to the development of Science. The abstract should summarize the content covers the aim, theoretical perspective, and technique, also the result in no more than 150 words. Font type used Times New Roman, size 12 pt, single space.

Abstract should consist of keywords that must represent important concepts of the article. Maximum 5 keywords, times new roman 12 pt, italic, alphabetical order.

-Introduction outlines the background, the formulation of the problem, and the purpose of the study (12 pt, times new roman, 1,5 space)

-Body title describes the discussion and results (12 pt, times new roman, 1,5 space)

Subheading 1 describes the discussion of theories and related concepts or a description of the methods used in the study (12 pt, times new roman, 1,5 space)

Subheading 2 describes the result and findings of the study (12 pt, times new roman, 1,5 space)

-Conclusion contains conclusions and constructive suggestions for the development of the study. (12 pt, times new roman, 1,5 space)

-Table and Image titles are written at the top while source information is written at the bottom. The template for tables and images are available in the paper template below.

-The manuscript uses a direct quote system. Quotations that are not more than 4 (four) lines are combined in the text, while quotation with more than 4 (four) lines are separated from the text with a spacing of 1.5 pt and enclosed in quotation marks. The author's surname is written before or after the quote. The author's family name is written in parentheses followed by a comma, the year of publication followed by a colon, and then the page number as written as follows (Blake, 1998: 57). If the author is more than three people, only the first author's family name appeared followed by et al., like the following example (Wulandari et al., 2009: 87). If the subject matter is in several pages, then the method of writing is as follows (Blake, 1998: 57-63), or if the subject matter is the entire text, then the method of writing is as follows (Blake, 1998).

-Footnote explains certain concepts or sources from the website:

In English:

1)Piccone, T. & B. Yusman. (2014). Indonesia Foreign Policy: A Million Friends and Zero Enemies. Retrieved at May 3, 2017: (times news roman, 10 pt)

In Bahasa Indonesia:

2)Kaldor, M. (2007). New Wars and Human Security. Diambil 22 April 2017 dari files_mf /1391450911d11 Kaldor.pdf  

3)Konsepsi isolationist mengacu pada perilaku para penstudi wilayah awal di Amerika Serikat yang cenderung mengkaji wilayah lain hanya dari sudut pandangnya sendiri (Wirth, 1952: 633)


-The reference should follow the APA reference style, and contains the latest book and journals (published in the last ten years is preferable)

- Please make sure that the reference uses the Mendeley reference management system

-The reference list should consist of more than twenty sources  with majority of it are academic journals

-The bibliography is sorted alphabetically based on the author's surname. The name of the second author and so on does not need to be reversed. Do not reverse Chinese and Korean surnames since the surname is stated at the beginning. If there are more than four people, then the name listed is only the name of the first author and followed by using et al.

Examples of reference list:

References (in English)

Australian Government: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Indonesia Country Brief. Retrieved May 3, 2017 from /geo/ indonesia/Pages/indonesia-country-brief.aspx

Cochrane, J. (2013). N.S.A Spying Scandal Hurts Close Ties Between Australia and Indonesia. Retrieved May 3, 2017, from relations-between-indonesia-and-australia.html

Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research. London: Routledge.

Heryanto, A. (2005). State Terrorism and Political Identity in Indonesia: Fatally Belonging. Oxon: Routledge.

Hurst, D. (2014). Australia and Indonesia Sign Spying Code of Conduct. Retrieved May 3, 2017 from

Jorgensen, M., & Phillips, L. J. (2002). Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method. London: SAGE Publications.

Leifer, M. (1989). Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Mackie, J. (2007). Australia and Indonesia: Current Problems, Future Prospects. New South Wales: Lowy Institute for International Policy 2007.

Martin, J. R., & Rose, D. (2007). Working with Discourse: Meaning Beyond the Clause. London: Continuum.

Melissen, J. (2005). The New Public Diplomacy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Piccone, T., & Yusman, B. (2014). A Million Friends and Zero Enemies. Indonesia Foreign Policy.  Retrieved May 3, 2017 from

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Personal Twitter Account. Retrieved May 3, 2017 from / SBYudhoyono/status/402619640150364161

Taylor. L. (2013). Tony Abbot: No Explanation, No Apology to Indonesia for Spying. Retrieved May 3, 2017, from 2013/nov/19/tony-abbott-no-apology-explanation-indonesia-spying

Daftar Pustaka (dalam Bahasa Indonesia)

Abdilah, S. U. (2002). Cultural Pluralism. Magelang: Indonesia Tera.

Adams, J.K. (2009). Conjunto Culture. GeoJournal, No. 75 (3): 303 – 314.

Alderman, D.H. (2013). Introduction to the Special Issue: African Americans and Tourism. Tourism Geographies, No. 15 (3) : 375–379.

Barker,   C.   (2009).   Cultural   Studies, Teori   dan   Praktik. Yogyakarta:   Kreasi Wacana.

Baron, R. A.,  &  Byrne, D. (2003). Psikologi  Sosial.  Jilid  1  Edisi  Kesepuluh.  Jakarta: Erlangga. 

Bunnell, T., & Miller. M.  (2011). Jakarta in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Decentralization, Neoliberalism and Global City Aspiration. Space and Polity, No. 15 (1): 35–48.

Chan, M. (2009). Chinese New Year in West Kalimantan. Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies, No. 3: 106-142.

Chung, S.P.Y. (2002). Surviving Economic Crises in Southeast Asia and Southern China. Modern Asian Studies, No. 36 (3): 579-617.

Filene, B. (2012). Passionate Histories: ‘Outsider’ History-makers and What They Teach Us. The Public Historian, No. 34 (1): 11-33.

Griffiths, M., et al. (2002). International Relations: The Key Concepts Second Edition. London and New York: Routledge.

Hebdige, D. (1999). Asal-usul & Ideologi Subkultur Punk. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Buku Baik.

Hoon, C.Y. (2006). Assimilation, Multiculturalism, Hybridity: The Dilemmas of The Ethnic Chinese in Post-Suharto Indonesia. Asian Ethnicity, No. 7 (2): 149-166.

La Ode. (2012). Politik Etnik China Singkawang dan Pontianak di Era Reformasi 1998-2008. Jakarta: IKAPI.

Lew, A.A., & Wong. A.  (2005). Existential Tourism and the Homeland: The Overseas Chinese Experience. Seductions of Place. Cartier & A.A. Lew (editor).  Abingdon: Routledge.

Matanasi, P. (2016). Orang-Orang Tionghoa di Singkawang. Diambil dari

Ault, M., & Paris. J. (2004). Political Resistance. Peace Review, No. 16 (4): 403–407.

Nurbaya, R. (2017). Mengenal Singkawang, Kota Toleran di Indonesia. Diambil dari

Poerwanto, H. (2014). China Khek di Singkawang. Depok: Komunitas Bambu.

Setyautama, S. (2008). Tokoh-Tokoh Etnik Tionghoa di Indonesia. Jakarta: KPG

Subculture List RSS. (2017). Subculture Theory. Diambil dari

Suhardinata, J. (2009). WNI  Keturunan  Tionghoa  dalam  Stabilitas  Ekonomi dan Politik Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). (2016). Statistik Kota Singkawang. Singkawang.

Timothy, D. J., & Boyd. S.W. (2006). Heritage Tourism in the 21st Century: Valued Traditions and New Perspectives. Journal of Heritage Tourism, No. 1 (1): 1-16.

Wardany, I. (2010, 12 Februari). ’Imlek’ Festivity No Longer Family Activity. The Jakarta Post, 4-6.


Please download the manuscript template from the link here.